Sunday, August 29, 2004

Drink my gore.

Nothing but tears to fill me up
Oh my dear liar
My beloved imp
It did make me cry
Tore me up
Broke me down
Loved no grace
Hatred was found
A nil that made one suffer
A spirit that would have given up
But no,
The rei goes on
And the kismet shall be found
A future to embrace
A vim so dark
Yet so strong
Eventually, yes, I may fall
But to rise is a goal
Oh suffering tears
I thank thee
For making a whole new stronger me
Nothing else but tears and thanks
To this curse that passed my way
Adieu to you dear liar
Forget you I will
Love you I won't
Kill you I may
And a smile to you I'll offer.

Pretty gross title, huh?
Well what can I say... at that time I couldn't think of a good title,
(stupid excuse, huh? yeah, reality is stupid.) and I ended up with 'Drink My Gore.'
Say 'eew' all you want... I don't really care. ^^
I have done that before. Haha.. ^^



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